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What Took So Long To Do The Right Thing

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Mega stores, tons of product, promotions that are confusing and do not make any common sense, we walked through the door with leads us to buy who knows what. Remember the days of selecting which store you chose to go to for advice and for a better selection of products. The owner chose products that they wanted to offer, as it was their job to weed out the junk. Today, even though it seems retailers just stock the shelves with whatever sells, regardless of any conscience involved. There are exceptions of course, but if it sells, they bring more in and...

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Winter Months Protein

Posted by Scott Pollak on

If we’re in a season where our pets don’t exercise as much as they should or can, digestible food is crucial. Extra weight is easily packed on if their food source is less than, really digestible (too many carbs, starches, many “grain free diets" are loaded with starch). Protein, digestible protein, is the most important part of your dog’s diet, and amino acids are the building blocks of protein. More meat in the diet assures sufficient amino acids. Raw meat is the best source of these building blocks. Don’t be fooled by labels that list meat, deboned meat, as one...

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If Your Feeding Costs Are Too Much To Bear...

Posted by Scott Pollak on

During these hard economic times, a fact in the news is very disturbing, the millions of pets being surrendered to shelters due to their pet owner's inability to provide feeding or veterinarian costs needed to care for their pets. Many of us can’t imagine this happening to themselves, but it can and we sometimes confuse the real cost of caring for a loved companion animal to merely the bag of food. Once faced with this dilemma, one should really think about raising their pet's level of wellness as to limit any extra costs in the future. Greater health levels alone...

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Picky Eaters

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Unlike dogs, cats tend to be picky eaters. They often know what they like and have little interest in food that does not meet their specifications. So, when you need to switch kitty’s food due to age, illness or out of dietary concern, you may encounter a hungry cat unwilling to eat. So, what is a cat owner to do when kitty doesn’t like her dinner? Tips for the Picky Cat: Taste Test: Your cat may not try a new food if you just put out, but if you place the new food next to the old food, she will...

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Raw Meat For Your Pet

Posted by Scott Pollak on

As human beings, we may have an aversion to eating raw meat, but for our pets, the source of protein can be highly beneficial. Understanding your pet’s body and digestive system can make raw meat in your pet’s diet a more comfortable notion. The fear of raw meat being a health risk for pets because the level of bacteria that would cause harm to a dog or a cat in comparison to the level that would harm a human would have to be far more concentrated. It’s just about being smart when choosing what meats to feed your pet, USDA...

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Hunters Not Gatherers

Posted by Scott Pollak on

It is all too common to walk into a cat owner’s house and see a dish of cat food sitting on the floor, ready to be picked at all day. Yet, this goes against a cat’s natural evolution. In the wild, cats hunt to survive then gorge themselves on their kill. They do not hunt then pick on the animal for the next few days; it would spoil. It is best to feed your cat a healthy meat-rich meals, like Viand Feline Growth & Maintenance twice daily, following the recommended daily serving size instructions on the bag.

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