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Q&A/I. Scott Pollak; Crusader for Health and Wellness of Pets- The New York Times

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Q&A/I. Scott Pollak; Crusader for Health and Wellness of Pets By DONNA GREENE Published: January 23, 2000 PROZAC for dogs? I. Scott Pollak, president of a company that sells food and health products for pets, thinks it is a bad idea. But, while he says there are many nutritional supplements that can be good for a dog or cat, the best thing an owner can do is first make sure the pet is eating enough fresh meat. Mr. Pollak, whose company, Viand Pet. is in White Plains, says he is horrified by the trends in the pet food industry to...

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Worming Your Pets

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital Even a healthy pet can use a worming once in a while. New pets and worms usually come together, although we do not like to think about it. Worms have lived with our pets for many years and their life cycles are very much intertwined. Early worm stages lying dormant in the tissues of the momma are awakened and move to the newborns on their way into their new world. Other forms of transmission are through insects, directly through the paws or through the oral/fecal route. From the...

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Natural Treatment for Ear Mites

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital "Holistic & traditional approaches to support the best of animal health." Ear mites are common in cats and dogs. Cats usually start them and they're the last to be treated. Direct physical contact is an important part of transmission from one animal to another. A cat with ear mites will scratch its ears frequently and a deposit that looks like dried coffee grounds, black, gray or even white will form down in the ear canals. A dog will scratch and shake its head and its ear canal may...

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The Basics of Wound Healing

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital Holistic medicine sees wound healing as an opportunity to exhibit to the world (or to anyone who is watching) the power of life to maintain continuity through time. Adapting to the constant change of living through the mechanisms of repair is one aspect of maintaining homeostasis (internal evenness through constant adjustment). To observe the healthy repair of wounds is just another everyday miracle of life. Knowing some basic principles of wound repair will enable us to appreciate this special activity even more. The body moves through healing as...

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs and Cats

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Apple cider vinegar, an old folk remedy, has been shown to improve the health of horses, dogs, and other animals. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease, and protects against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium; it normalizes acid levels in the stomach, improves digestion, and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal gas and fecal odors, helps cure constipation, alleviates some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections. How to Use...

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