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When Your Dog is Singing the Blues

Posted by Evan Weber on

Veterinarians do not really know if dogs suffer from depression the same way people do because, of course, they cannot ask them. However, in clinical practices there have been a few situations where depression can be the only explanation for certain behaviors. While it is not uncommon for pets to get down, especially during periods of change, it’s rare for dogs to suffer from long-term depression. Dog symptoms of depression are very similar to those in people. They become withdrawn and inactive. Their eating and sleeping habits often change and they often do not participate in the things they once enjoyed. The...

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Puppy Feet

Posted by Evan Weber on

As dog lovers, we know the basics of keeping our dogs safe in summer: bring lots of water with on walks, watch for the signs of overheating, and never leave a dog in the car — even on days that don't seem that warm. However, it might come as a surprise that the pavement beneath your dog's paws could be sizzling hot. And hot pavement can have gruesome and painful consequences. Pavement, asphalt, wood, sand and the surfaces of cars or trucks become very hot during the summer. These materials absorb the heat from the sun and stay hot for hours...

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The Protein Controversy

Posted by Scott Pollak on

By Dr. Bruce DeBaun A great deal of misinformation has been published about the adverse effects of protein on our animals. Large breed dogs, in particular, are believed to be affected by consuming too much protein during their puppy and adolescent stages. This misconception is predicated on the hypothesis that protein accelerates bone development. Nothing could be further from the truth! The protein molecule is the fundamental building block of all cellular structure in the body, whether bone, muscle, organ, skin tissue or hair. The carnivore, in particular, requires a large amount of protein. The body takes this protein and...

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Ideal Diet and Attitude

Posted by Scott Pollak on

By William Pollak, DVM An ideal diet is the foundation of physical health and Viand is an ideal commercial pet food diet. However, for Viand to maximally nourish your pet, natural raw foods should also be given on a regular basis. Raw foods provide the enzymes, freshness, and unmodified intelligence for the animal's needs. In fact, in most cases, the more raw food the better. Ideally, 40% or more of raw food intake (including raw meat) will help your pet maximally shine and give added strength to the digestive system. Enhanced vitality of life in animals on the natural raw...

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Diarrhea: Usually not Disease - Just Cleaning House

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital. "Holistic & traditional approaches to support the best of animal health." Diarrhea is intestinal material removed before its time. Normally the colon (the last large segment of the digestive system) removes the water from the intestinal juice, thus conserving the precious liquid for the body, as it is 98% water. Walking on land with a body like the sea requires constant efficient recycling of water and minerals. An irritated bowel (moving excessively or in spasm) does not allow sufficient time for the water to be reabsorbed. Out goes...

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Concerns About Commercial Pet Food

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Brought to you by William Pollak D.V.M. and the Fairfield Animal Hospital. What are you really feeding your pet? This information is for people seeking powerful-yet-simple suggestions for enhancing Wellness in their companion animals, as well as in their own lives. This article addresses the importance of freshness, wholesomeness, and the appropriateness of what is consumed. Not all seekers are looking for this enhanced Wellness. Most, in fact, are satisfied with their dogs or cats looking normal on their current commercial food; they presume the animal is just fine. It is not our wish to tell them otherwise. A developing...

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