They say common sense is not a way to promote a product – ViandPet
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They say common sense is not a way to promote a product

Posted by Scott Pollak on

Marketing “experts” continue to tell me you cannot promote a product based upon common sense and logic. I’ve been promoting Viand since 1995,  granted Viand is not a household brand, but to those that know it, they are glad to embrace common sense and logic when it comes to caring for their best buddy.

What does it take to understand simple pet care and nutrition?  Maybe, people believe that spending more money on your pet means that you love your pet more? Maybe, going to the veterinarian on a regular basis means you love them more too? I don’t know, but I love sharing my time with a healthy, vibrant happy pet.

A while ago, I read an article titled “6 Cost Tips to Save Thousands on Pet Care” and after reading it, it inspired me to, well, GO CRAZY! Without saying, which conglomerate may have paid a slick agency to create this article/blog are banking that most people are not too swift. They’re saying a family with a 5 year old dog and a 3 month old dog are spending $50 a week on food and $35 a week on toys, treats, and grooming. That’s $120 a week! That’s $6,000.00 a year without counting on veterinarian bills or medicine. WOW! Do you know anyone out there spending that? If so, please pass this on to them!

I just did some quick figuring and a 60 lb dog and a 40 pound dog together will eat  around 2.5 to 3 cups of Viand a day, (better food is fed in smaller quantities because it is more digestible, and therefore, usable to the animal)  X 365 days = 1,042 cups a year divided by 75 (cups in a bag), that’s roughly 14 bags a year at $41 each=$574 a year, for 2 dogs that weigh 100 together. Over the years, I know through our clients, and my dogs as well that our Viand dogs don’t  frequent the vet, they stay healthy (19 years since we started, and that seems to be the general consensus), so where do they get their numbers?????

It’s not even close, I always have recommended raw marrow bones for chewing (they last a lifetime with most breeds), I always recommend less vaccinations (do titer tests instead) and well, grooming in many cases you can do yourself, but if you’ve chosen a specific breed that requires grooming, hopefully you figured that expense into your budget (again, some common sense).

These were some of the recommendations:

 1.    Compare prices before going to a groomer (good one, i’ll remember that one)

2.    Compare prices with websites vs. Veterinarians for prescription medications (if your dog is fed correctly and you care for them properly, drugs usually are not a factor)

3.  Save on food by buying online and get reduced shipping (funny they never mention getting a better food, I guess that may offset the revenue for drugs)

4.  Compare prices of boarding kennels (I always recommend finding someone to stay in your home or have your dog spend some time with a nearby friend's home regularly and when you or they need to go away, they have a familiar home to spend some time).

5.  Pet Insurancemmmmhow about doing your homework and keeping them healthy in the first place(most insurances only are good for the first 6-7 years anyway)

So, okay, I let off some steam because if you are proactive and knowledgeable, you know the benefits of better nutrition, so most of this makes sense. If this is some new information, it’s never too late to raise your pets’ well-being by learning something new and taking control. Mom knew what was best for you, and you know what’s best for your children, so therefore, you know what’s best for your pet. Please, do not get hooked by slick promotions, fancy advertising and most of all those tear jerker heartwarming commercials. They are dogs and cats!

Over the years, I continue know many of my clients because we often speak on the phone. I’m always touched when they thank me for the wonderful food, help and service over the many years and sometimes they inform me of one of their dogs passing. It is a benefit of my passion, I enjoy people and sharing stories and knowledge. I have learned many things from them and am grateful. Here are some recent ages of clients’ pets that have passed on recently in the past months;

·         Great Dane, 12    Pug, 19   Wheaton Terrier, 14     German Shepherd, 16     Labrador Retriever, 17

As our products and services continue to work, simply put, better nutrition along with an educated pet caregiver will allow their pets to be the most and best they could ever be.

Thank you to all of my Loyal customers for trusting me and welcoming new ones with the nutritional needs of their 4 legged companions,

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